Sunday, 13 March 2011

Faklava as Super Hero- THE CALL

The World needs help!!!!

Earthquake in Japan!

Revolutions in Arabic land,

Rassism in Europe...

so many troubles!!!

Angry people, angry Earth! The World needs Help!

I need to help! So my new job is being super hero, when the World needs me.
I love my friends! Take care guys!
I'm coming, justCALL ME!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Faklava the easy rider

Faki you can DRIVE my car !!!

When I was a baby I had to sit into baby chair in the car. Everybody loves when I'm travelling by car, because I don't fart so much while I'm concentrating on the road.
Daddy was the first teaching me to drive with a smaller car in Italy, Castelraimondo, I took him to the bus station to go back to work. But now Mrs Klára gave me the chance to drive her car. Now if I see You hitchhiking I will give you a lift...but first, I need a car...

OVER 16 !!!

My IDEAL MAN is like my Dad. I think a real man must have mustache and dark hair. He must be gentle and invite me to the movie or for a cookie baklava :) and play with me on the playground.Of course he must be very creative in games and let me win many times to make me happy.
I met with some nice man before, but one is my relatives, and my parents say it's not possible to marry with family members.
Most of the time I must wait until my Nanny falls asleep, than I can call the boys and chat.

Everybody sais, I'm too small for love. Why would I be? I had my first kiss, my first date in Disco,...and spring is coming! :) so, I keep on dreaming of love.

How to use the TOALETT

So, my first lesson with Nanny Zuzu was about this huge monster, WC or called Toalett. I need help to climb up, it has soo big hole in the middle, so scary you can't imagine! Why I can't make my warm little shit into my panties?
Anyway, I really don't understand the adults. They say it's smelly.
Smelly, BUT WARM!
And after I must wash my hands, and dry it! Don't you think it's too much complicated?But Nanny Zuzu was so happy....and you should see the face of Daddy, finally, someone teached me for using it...he hated to change my panties!
I did use the TOALETT before, but in a very different way. To tell the truth I liked that better, 'cause my Daddy joined me. It was much more fun!

Ssss, I think my Nanny is a GHOST !!!.... :O

Hello guys!

Do you believe in GHOSTS ?!
I think they are!

So, last weekend my mom introduced me my NANNY called Zuzu.
1. First of all, what kind of name is this; Zuzu?!
2. And WHY do I need a Nanny???
Mom sais, she will teach me many things, which are very useful for a big girl, like pepee into the huge Toalett...Dad gave up to push me to do it by myself.
Ok, finally I accepted, and let them to show me
my Nanny Zuzu:
I AM SURE!!!! SHE IS A GHOOOOOST!!!! :OSometimes she can change to be a CAT !!!...or...a Witch???
I told Daddy, he said, I'm just too excited, Mom said I have too much intensive fantasy.
I must prove them somehow!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Faki the Peace-fighter

PEACE and FREEDOM to the World!
I love you all guys,
don't kill!
Don't fight,
Stand up for your rights!